One of the key team members I manage left a very negative update on our HR platform about how he feels about the future of the company and our vision. I suspect he's feeling overworked and also his personal life is keeping him very busy. How should I address it with him and then the heads of the company because we count on him for revenue and to lead teams.

When addressing the negative feedback from a key team member, it's important to approach the situation with the mindset that negative reviews are a gift, as they offer a chance to learn and improve. Here's a step-by-step approach based on the insights provided by Matt Mochary:

  1. Process Your Own Emotions: Before responding to the negative update, acknowledge and process any stress, rage, shame, or other unpleasant emotions that arise. This will help you approach the situation with a clear head.

  2. Seek Understanding: Ask the team member for a one-on-one meeting to discuss their concerns. Use the "5 A's" framework from the "Feedback: Receiving: the 5 A's" excerpt:

    • Ask for it: Invite the team member to share their concerns openly, ensuring them that their feedback is valued and will not be punished.
    • Acknowledge it: Listen actively and confirm that you've understood their feedback by summarizing their points and asking for clarification if needed.
  3. Assess the Situation: Consider the team member's personal circumstances, such as being overworked or busy with personal life, which might be influencing their perspective. Empathy is key here.

  4. Address the Concerns: Once you've understood the team member's concerns, work with them to address the issues. This could involve discussing workload management, providing support for their personal situation, or clarifying the company's vision and future direction.

  5. Communicate with Leadership: Prepare to communicate the situation to the heads of the company. Use the "ACT" framework mentioned in the "Meetings" excerpt:

    • Accountability: Report the situation factually, including the feedback received and the steps taken to address it.
    • Coaching: Share your proposed solutions for preventing similar issues in the future, such as workload adjustments or improved communication of the company's vision.
    • Transparency: Maintain transparency about the feedback process and how it's being used to improve the team and company.
  6. Follow-up: After addressing the immediate concerns, set up a system for regular check-ins with the team member to monitor their workload and well-being. This can be part of a larger effort to track and manage team OKRs and performance, as mentioned in the excerpts about meetings and OKR tracking.

  7. Lead by Example: Emphasize the importance of feedback and transparency in the company culture. Encourage other leaders and team members to be open to feedback and to communicate their challenges proactively.

Remember, the goal is not just to resolve the current issue but to strengthen the team's communication and trust, which are essential for the company's success. By taking a structured and empathetic approach, you can turn this challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and improvement.