I'm Partner at an innovaiton consultancy. We have our teams presenting back their account plans for growing busienss today. What are hlepufl and empowering wyas I can show up?

To show up in helpful and empowering ways during your team's presentation of their account plans, consider the following approaches based on the insights from Matt Mochary:

  1. Practice Active Listening and Acknowledgment:

    • Listen intently to each presentation and acknowledge the effort and thought put into the account plans. As Matt Mochary suggests, acknowledging is a powerful tool to create trust and connection. Make sure each team member feels heard by reflecting back key points or the essence of their ideas.
  2. Express Genuine Appreciation:

    • Show appreciation for the work your teams have done. A simple "thank you" for their contributions can go a long way. This aligns with the idea that appreciation is an outward extension of gratitude, which can make the recipient feel better about themselves and more connected to you.
  3. Provide Constructive Feedback:

    • Use the 5 A's of feedback: Acknowledge, Appreciate, Accept (or not), and Act. Be open to the ideas presented and provide feedback in a manner that is constructive and co-creates action items if necessary. Remember that the way you respond to feedback can also model how you want others to receive it.
  4. Encourage a Culture of Candor:

    • Encourage your teams to speak candidly. A culture of open and honest communication can help in seeing reality more clearly, which is essential for successful innovation. Make it known that you value their true opinions and insights.
  5. Be Conscious of Emotional States:

    • Pay attention to the emotional cues of your team members. If you notice signs of fear or anger, such as changes in speaking style or body language, address them with empathy. Recognize that these emotions can affect communication and decision-making.
  6. Stay Curious and Open to Learning:

    • Approach the presentations with a curiosity mindset. Be more interested in learning from your teams than in asserting your own ideas. This approach can foster an environment where creative solutions are welcomed and explored.
  7. Promote Peer Trust and Connection:

    • Use personal stories or highlights to create bonds among team members. Encourage them to share not just their professional insights but also personal wins or challenges they have faced. This can help build a more cohesive and supportive team dynamic.
  8. Conduct an Energy Audit:

    • Reflect on how the presentations and discussions energize you. This self-awareness can help you identify which aspects of the account plans align with your Zone of Genius, where you can contribute the most value and feel most engaged.

By integrating these practices, you can empower your teams and foster a positive and productive atmosphere during the account plan presentations.