how to make decisions aligned with your values

In order to make decisions that are aligned with your values, it's important to engage in a process that takes into account both the rational and emotional aspects of decision-making. Here is a synthesis of the insights provided by Ed Batista that can guide you in making value-aligned decisions:

  1. Acknowledge Emotions: Recognize that emotions play a crucial role in decision-making. Emotion regulation does not mean suppressing feelings but rather involves improving your ability to sense, comprehend, articulate, and express what you're feeling. This process allows you to get closer to your emotions and use them as a source of valuable information in your decision-making process.

  2. Intuition and Pattern Recognition: Understand that intuition is a form of pattern recognition that operates on the margins of consciousness. It's not always reliable, but because hard decisions often cannot be resolved with data alone, intuition can provide guidance that logical reasoning may miss. Trusting your intuition means acknowledging these patterns and allowing them to influence your decision-making.

  3. Reflect on Your Values: Take time for reflection to ensure that your decisions reflect your core values. This might involve deep work and seeing such activities as investments in your effectiveness, not indulgences. Deep reflection is necessary to ensure that you're heading in the right direction, in line with your values.

  4. Role Clarity: Achieve a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities. This clarity can help you align your decisions with the expectations and values inherent in your position, as well as your personal values.

  5. Embrace Uncertainty and Risk: Recognize the role of risk and uncertainty in decision-making. Our brains may overemphasize potential losses due to the negativity bias. By understanding what is worth fighting for, you can better align your decisions with what is truly important to you, despite the risks involved.

  6. Express Emotions: Find healthy ways to express emotions through writing or talking with others. This helps process emotions efficiently, which can clarify how you feel about the potential outcomes of your decisions.

  7. Decision Frameworks: Use decision-making frameworks to add clarity. For example, Appelo's framework (TELL, SELL, CONSULT, AGREE, ADVISE, INQUIRE, DELEGATE) can help clarify the decision-making process in professional relationships, which can be aligned with your values and the values of your organization.

  8. Coin Flip Experiment: If you're stuck between two options, try the coin flip experiment to break the logical logjam. Commit to the outcome of a coin flip to help reveal your true feelings about the decision. Your emotional reaction to the outcome can provide insight into what you truly value and which option aligns best with those values.

By integrating these practices into your decision-making process, you can make choices that are more closely aligned with your personal and professional values. It's about finding a balance between data, intuition, emotional intelligence, and an understanding of the context in which you're operating.