I'm trying to up level my executive coaching practice, focus on helping executives, founders, investors, and creators—especially people committed to a world that works— have more success, impact, sanity, and joy. And double my fees. Any suggestions on how to find them and close them?

Based on the insights from executive coach Ed Batista, here are some strategies you might consider to elevate your executive coaching practice and attract high-caliber clients such as executives, founders, investors, and creators:

  1. Emphasize Well-Being and Professional Effectiveness:

    • Highlight the importance of overall well-being and its correlation with professional effectiveness. Stress the role that exercise and mindfulness play in this regard. [Get Moving! (Exercise for Busy People), Don't Just Do Something, Sit There! (Mindfulness for Busy People)]
    • Offer a holistic coaching approach that not only focuses on business success but also personal fulfillment and health.
  2. Address Common Executive Challenges:

    • Be prepared to discuss and help navigate the unique challenges faced by CEOs and other high-level leaders, such as increased scrutiny, less feedback, and the need for empathy. [Watch That Next Step (CEO Problems)]
    • Use your understanding of these dynamics to appeal to potential clients by demonstrating an awareness of the issues they face at the top of the org chart.
  3. Tailor Your Approach to Leadership Development:

    • Help clients transition from hands-on leaders to those who can lead effectively as their organizations scale. [How to Scale: Do Less, Lead More]
    • Position yourself as someone who can guide them through this critical shift, focusing on strategic leadership rather than operational involvement.
  4. Create a Feedback-Rich Environment:

    • Teach clients the value of feedback and how to create a culture where feedback is normalized and not just tied to performance reviews. [Why Executives Derail (and What You Can Do About It)]
    • Offer services that include setting up systems for continuous improvement and learning from setbacks.
  5. Leverage Micro-Goals and Incremental Changes:

    • Encourage clients to set and achieve micro-goals to foster a sense of progress and momentum. [Get Moving! (Exercise for Busy People)]
    • This principle can be applied to various aspects of their professional development, not just physical fitness.
  6. Communicate the Value of Your Services:

    • Clearly articulate the value you bring to your clients, such as increasing their capacity to handle stress, improving decision-making, and enhancing team dynamics.
    • Justify your increased fees by demonstrating how your coaching leads to tangible improvements in their professional and personal lives.
  7. Build a Network and Referral System:

    • Network with other professionals who serve your target clientele, such as lawyers, accountants, and consultants, who may refer clients to you.
    • Consider creating a "coaching team" concept, where you are part of a network of support for your clients, which can also serve as a mutual referral system. [Watch That Next Step (CEO Problems)]
  8. Offer Customized and Scalable Solutions:

    • Develop and offer scalable coaching programs that can be customized to the specific needs of each executive, founder, or investor.
    • This could involve one-on-one coaching, group sessions, workshops, or retreats that focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of leading at the top.

Remember, the key to attracting and retaining high-value clients is to demonstrate that you understand their world and can offer them something that not only aids in their success but also contributes to their overall well-being and satisfaction.