How should I best manage my boss?
Managing your boss effectively is a multifaceted process that involves understanding their perspective, building a strong working relationship, and being able to communicate effectively. Here are some key points to consider, based on the insights from Ed Batista:
Empathize Up: To manage your boss well, it's important to practice empathy. This involves seeing the world as they see it, understanding their feelings, suspending judgment, and communicating this understanding. Empathy is not about agreeing with your boss or feeling sorry for them, but about comprehending their perspective and emotions and being able to envision yourself experiencing their situation ([The Difficulty of Empathizing Up]).
Create Psychological Safety: When interacting with your boss, it's crucial to foster an environment of psychological safety. This means being candid and direct while still being respectful. It's not about avoiding difficult conversations but about ensuring that both parties feel safe to express their thoughts and feelings. This environment encourages openness and can improve the quality of your interactions ([How to Have Better One-on-Ones]).
Build Trust: Trust is a key element in any working relationship, including the one with your boss. Make sure that your behavior aligns with your intentions and that you are seen as sincere and determined to follow through on commitments. If there's a credibility gap, work on closing it by being consistent in your actions and communications ([Whether or Not to Fix a Broken Relationship]).
Provide Feedback Carefully: If you need to provide feedback to your boss, do so in a way that is constructive and non-threatening. Make feedback a normal part of your interactions rather than saving it for formal reviews. Learn how to deliver critical feedback in a way that motivates rather than alienates, and be prepared to also receive feedback ([Why Executives Derail (and What You Can Do About It)]).
Understand Their Challenges: Recognize the challenges and pressures your boss faces and how these may impact their behavior and decisions. This understanding can help you tailor your approach to be more supportive and aligned with their needs and objectives ([The Difficulty of Empathizing Up]).
Manage Expectations: Clearly communicate and manage expectations with your boss. Ensure that both of you are on the same page regarding goals, priorities, and the scope of your responsibilities. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your work is contributing effectively to your boss's objectives.
By employing these strategies, you can improve your ability to manage your boss in a way that is empathetic, constructive, and conducive to a productive working relationship.